Monday, May 7, 2012

How to make E85 - The E-Book

How to make gasoline

  Let me guess, you're going from station to station looking for cheap gas prices. Why do that when you can now make your own alt fuels at home and save hundreds of dollars. How much is a gallon of gas nowadays where you stay? Well for only $2.99 you can own a copy of the book "Gas Money" and learn how to make gas at home. There are hundreds of people doing it and they're saving good money.  
  So you want to learn how to make E85. Well it's not hard. I will run you through the basics (if you want more detail about making E85 please consider purchasing "Gas Money" which will also show you how to make Gasohol, Bio-Diesel, and Hydrogen Cells so you can run your car on water). Ethanol is an alcohol made from sugar. You can use fruit, syrup, or processed sugar. You will need a still to brew your fuel. Your brew should consist of water, yeast, and your sugar mix. Let it ferment in warm spot for about a week or two. Run your mix through the still and wallah! You have Ethanol. E85 is a mixture of 85% Ethanol and 15% Gasoline. Just add a quarter of gasoline to your ethanol and it's E85 add more gasoline and it becomes Gasohol. For more detail go to and check out "Gas Money". Order this book for only $9.99 or you can download a copy instantly for on $2.99 why wait when you could be saving money right now.
How to make Gasoline


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The advantages of having a hydrogen cell

How to make Gasoline

How to run your car on water!

You need to get in on the latest craze. People are saving hundreds of dollars on fuel expenses because they are buying or they are making hydrogen cells at home. Hydrogen cell separate the hydrogen from the oxygen that is in the water so that you can use it to fuel your car. You can get a hydrogen cell for only a couple hundred dollars or you can make one yourself. It take some practice but with the right now how you can make a hydrogen cell very easily and keep from damaging your car. There are other fuels that you can easily make at home as well. Learn how to make E85, Gasohol, and Diesel all at home. So If your interested in learning how to make gasoline at home the easy way, go to and check out "Gas Money" and start making your own fuel today